Wednesday, February 15, 2012

New Subject: Haley Page

I'm in the process of building my art portfolio (it's in dyer need) with a series of charcoal drawings with splashes of color. I've been focusing on portraits of people making funny faces for the past several years. I've made a series of prints using my friends. For my series of drawings, I've come to the conclusion that my best model will be my niece, Haley.

This little one has become one of my favorite people in the world. She's 20 months old and has the wittiest sense of humor I have seen in a youngin'. She just discovered that when she snarls her nose it will cause people to laugh so she will do it more. She's quite the entertainer!

Here is her during one of her first encounters of finger painting. She was NOT happy whenever we told her she won't be opening up every color.

Gotta love her daddy-inherited bed hair!
She's always amazed at something. :)

And here's the best face of them all. Please ignore my hideousness.

Beautiful shot by my lovely sister. :)

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