Friday, February 3, 2012

The Beginning

Why hello there. My name is Mallorey but my famous nickname is Malarog. If you want to hear the story, it's quite funny and somewhat embarrassing. That will come here in a few posts so stay tuned to hear it. :)

I've entitled my blog Malarog*Multimedia, this will be a blog about my crazy life in the form of some kind of multimedia-pictures, video, etc. Here are the interesting things about me:
I'm an artist as well as a high school art teacher. I love art and I do love what I do at work. I'm a born and raised small town girl but deep down I think I'm a city girl currently attempting to move to Nashville sometime this year. Can not wait to get back to the city where I belong.

As far as art goes, my focuses are drawing, printmaking and weaving. Here I shall be displaying images of all my work in my crafty-ness. When I'm not making art work, my other loves are fitness (I'm slowly becoming an exercising and health nut), drinking coffee, watching movies and spending time with my absolutely hilarious and crazy boyfriend. He is worth having a blog over himself because well, he's just that crazy. :)

Stick around for more to come. :))))


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