Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Middle School Teaching So Far..

I am going into my third week at Mount Juliet Middle School and the verdict is....

I REALLY, really like it. :)

I've snapped a few pictures to show you my lovely journey through this new experience.

One thing I really do enjoy about middle school is the big change you see from 6th grade to 8th grade. I was so shocked by how SMALL my 6th graders are, then when my 8th graders get in here, half of them are taller than me. It's such a huge change to watch them go through in just three years!

Also, I think it is safe to say, as a whole, my middle school kids here are much harder workers than my high school students. Not because of skill by any means, but they're still at the age where they like to be creative and enjoy coming to art. In high school, they tend to get a bit more apathetic over subjects like art.

Another thing I like, they're *so* easy to intimidate. I feel like I had the 6th and 7th graders in tears practically because I was so strict and firm with them on the first day of class. After observing them, I discovered I can show them a little more remorse.

It's been taking a while to order supplies so I don't have nearly as much projects done with them as I thought I would by this time. We're just now starting on our first projects. 6th grade is doing Q-tip pointillism, 7th grade will be doing graffiti and 8th grade will be making graphic design movie posters.

Here are some shots throughout the day. (These kids are REALLY creative and bright. Such a pleasure to teach them!)